This is a three volume set:
Vol. I Sutra Sthana & Sarira Sthana
Vol. II Nidan, Cikitsa, Kalpa & Siddhi Sthana
Vol. III Uttara Sthana, Index & Appendix
Ashtangahridaya of Vagbhata is an ancient authoritative treatise on Ayurveda. Its popularity extended beyond the frontiers of India for more than a thousand years substantiated by its translation in Arabic, Tibetan and some European languages. None of these are available now.
Study of Ashtangahridaya is considered indispensable for a thorough knowledge of Ayurveda. With the increasing interest these days for the study of Classical texts of Ayurveda both within and outside India a great need is felt for an English translation. This publication by Dr. K.R. Srikanthamurthy fulfils this necessity.
- Vol. I: Introduction.
- I. Sutrasthana (section on general principles):
Ayuskamiya adhyaya (desire for long life)
Dinacarya adhyaya (daily regimen)
Rtucarya adhyaya (seasonal regimen)
Roganutpadaniya adhyaya (prevention of diseases)
Dravadravya vijnaniya adhyaya (knowledge of liquid materials)
Annasvarupa vijnaniya adhyaya (nature of food materials)
Annaraksadhyaya (Protection of foods)
Matrasitiyadhyaya (Proper quantity of food)
Dravyadi vijnaniya adhyaya (Knowledge of substances etc)
Rasabhediya adhyaya (classification of tastes)
Dosadi vijnaniya adhyaya (Knowledge of dosas etc)
Dosabhediya adhyaya (classification of dosas)
Dosopakramaniya adhyaya (treatment of the dosas)
Dvividhopakramaniya adhyaya (two kinds of treatments)
Sodhanadigana sangraha adhyaya (groups of drugs for purificatory therapies etc)
Sneha vidhi adhyaya (oleation therapy)
Svedavidhi adhyaya (sudation therapy)
Vamana virecana vidhi adhyaya (emesis and purgation therapies)
Basti vidhi adhyaya (enema therapy)
Nasya vidhi adhyaya (nasal medication)
Dhumapana vidhi adhyaya (inhalation of smoke therapy)
Gandusadi vidhi adhyaya (mouth gargles and other therapies)
Ascyotana-anjana vidhi adhyaya (eye drops, collyrium therapies)
Tarpana-putapaka vidhi adhyaya (satiating the eye and other therapies)
Yantra vidhi adhyaya (use of blunt instruments)
Sastra vidhi adhyaya (use of sharp instruments)
Siravyadha vidhi adhyaya (venesection)
Salyaharana vidhi adhyaya (removal of foreign bodies)
Sastrakarma vidhi adhyaya (surgical operation)
Ksaragnikarma vidhi adhyaya (alkaline and thermal cautery)
- II. Sarira sthana (section on anatomy, physiology etc).
- Garbhavakranti sarira (embryology)
- Garbhavyapad sarira (disorders of pregnancy)
- Anga vibhaga sarira (different parts of the body)
- Marma vibhaga sarira (classification of vital spots)
- Vikrti vijnaniya sarira (knowledge of bad prognosis)
- Dutadi vijnaniya sarira (knowledge of messenger etc.).
- Appendices.
- Vol. II: Foreword.
- III. Nidana Sthana (diagnosis of diseases):
- Sarvroga nidanam (diagnosis of diseases in general)
- Jvara nidanam (diagnosis of fever)
- Raktapitta, Kasa nidanam (disease and cough)
- Svasa-Hidhma nidanam (diagnosis of bleeding disease and cough)
- Rajayaksmadi nidanam (diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis etc)
- Madatyaya nidanam (diagnosis of alcoholic intoxication)
- Arsas nidanam (diagnosis of haemorrhoids)
- Atisara-Grahani nidanam (diagnosis of diarrhoea and duodenal disorders)
- Mutraghata nidanam (diagnosis of retention of urine)
- Prameha nidanam (diagnosis of diabetes)
- Vidradhi-Vrddhi-Gulma nidanam (diagnosis of abscess, enlargement of the scrotum and abdominal tumour)
- Udara nidanam (diagnosis of enlargement of the abdomen)
- Panduroga-sopha-visarpa nidanam (diagnosis of anaemia, dropsy and herpes)
- Kustha-svitra-krimi nidanam (diagnosis of leprosy, leucoderma and parasites)
- Vata vyadhi nidanam (diagnosis of diseases of the nervous system)
- Vatasonita nidanam (diagnosis of gout)
- IV. Cikitsita Sthana (therapeutics):
- Jvara cikitsita (treatment of fevers)
- Raktapitta cikitsita (treatment of bleeding disease)
- Kasa cikitsita (treatment of cough)
- Svasa-Hidhma cikitsita (treatment of dyspnoea and hiccup)
- Rajayaksmadi cikitsita (treatment of pul tuberculosis, etc)
- Chardi-Hrdroga-Trsna cikitsita (treatment of vomiting, heart disease and thirst)
- Madatyaya cikitsita (treatment of alcoholic intoxication)
- Arsas cikitsita (treatment of haemorrhoids)
- Atisara cikitsita (treatment of diarrhoea)
- Grahani dosa cikitsita (treatment of duodenal disorder)
- Mutraghata cikitsita (treatment of retention of urine)
- Prameha cikitsita (treatment of diabetes)
- Vidradhi-vrddhi cikitsita (treatment of abscess, enlargement of the scrotum)
- Gulma cikitsita (treatment of abdominal tumour)
- Udara cikitsita (treatment of enlargement of the abdomen)
- Pandu roga cikitsita (treatment of anaemia)
- Svayathu (sopha) cikitsita (treatment of dropsy)
- Visarpa cikitsita (treatment of herpes)
- Kustha cikitsita (treatment of leprosy)
- Svitra-krimi cikitsita (treatment of leucoderma and parasites)
- Vata vyadhi cikitsita (treatment of diseases of the nervous system)
- Vatasonita cikitsita (treatment of gout)
- V. Kalpasiddhi sthana (purificatory recipes, pharmaceutics):
- Vamana kalpa (emetic recipes)
- Virecana kalpa (purgative recipes)
- Vamana virecana vyapat siddhi (management of complications of emesis and purgation therapies)
- Basti kalpa (enema recipes)
- Basti vyapat siddhi (management of complications of enema therapy)
- Dravya-kalpa (pharmaceutics). Index.
- Vol. III. Foreword.
- VI. Uttarasthana:
Balopacaraniya adhyaya (care of the new born baby)
Balamaya pratisedha (treatment of diseases of children)
Balagraha pratisedha (treatment of evil spirits)
Bhuta vijnaniya (knowledge of demons)
Bhuta pratisedha (treatment of demons)
Unmada pratisedha (treatment of insanity)
Apasmara pratisedha (treatment of epilepsy)
Vartma roga vijnaniya (knowledge of diseases of eyelids)
Vartma roga pratsedha (treatment of diseases of eyelids)
Sandhisitasita roga vijnaniya (knowledge of diseases of fornices, sclera and cornea)
Sandhisitasita roga pratisedha (treatment of diseases of fornices, sclera and cornea)
Drsti roga vijnaniya (knowledge of diseases of vision)
Timira pratisedha (treatment of blindness)
Linganasa pratisedha (treatment of blindness)
Sarvaksi roga vijnaniya (knowledge of diseases of the whole eye)
Sarvaksi roga pratisedha (treatment of diseases of the whole eye)
Karna roga vijnaniya (knowledge of diseases of the ear)
Karna roga pratisedha (treatment of diseases of the ear)
Nasa roga vijnaniya (knowledge of the diseases of the nose)
Nasa roga pratisedha (treatment of diseases of the nose)
Mukha roga vijnaniya (knowledge of the diseases of the mouth)
Mukha roga pratisedha (treatment of diseases of the mouth)
Siro roga vijnaniya (knowledge of the diseases of head)
Siro roga pratisedha (treatment of diseases of the head)
Vrana pratisedha (treatment of ulcers)
Sadyo vrana pratisedha (treatment of traumatic wounds)
Bhanga pratisedha (treatment of fractures)
Bhagandara pratisedha (treatment of rectal fistula)
Granthi-arbuda-slipada-apaci-nadi vijnaniya (knowledge of tumours, cancers, filariasis, scrofula and sinus ulcer)
Granthyadi pratisedha (treatment of tumours etc)
Ksudra roga vijnaniya (knowledge of minor diseases)
Ksudra roga pratisedha (treatment of minor diseases)
Guhya roga vijnaniya (knowledge of diseases of genital organs)
Guhya roga pratisedha (treatment of diseases of genital organs)
Visa pratisedha (treatment of poisoning)
Sarpa visa pratisedha (treatment of snake bite poison)
Kitalutadi visa pratisedha (treatment of poison of insects, spiders etc)
Musika-alarka visa pratisedha (treatment of poison of mouse, rabid, dog etc)
Rasayana vidhi (rejuvination therapy)
Vajikarana vidhi (virilification therapy)
Appendices. Select bibliography. Index.
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